Monday, July 9, 2012

I Recommend Becoming an Accomplice

Happy Monday!

Now that my agonizing decision making process is over, I am feeling much better. I have always wanted to work abroad and, as with many things presented in life, I was completely not expecting to have a job offer in Barcelona. After much pro and con list making, we decided that it wasn't the best decision for us right now. The way the Euro is going, it was probably a good financial decision too...
This weekend was the perfect antidote to a stressful week of decision making. My friends came in for the weekend and we went to Accomplice: The West Village. If you are looking for something to do in New York City, I cannot possibly recommend this more! Without giving too much away, the premise is basically that your group (of 8 people) is trying to solve a mystery that they set up for you in the beginning of the "show." You follow clues that lead you around a neighborhood in New York City. Along the way there are actors that offer more clues, but you don't always know who is an actor and who is not in this bizarre city where just yesterday M. and I stood online for bagels with a man in a speedo and roller-skates. The untrained eye might think he was an actor, but M. and I knew he was the neighborhood loony. Anyway, not only is the show a ton of fun, but it is also a great way to go into a bunch of different adorable West Village locations. I don't want to give too much away since not knowing is a huge part of the fun, but I completely recommend it! It was a blast! We closed the night with dinner at a Spanish tapas restaurant where I rehashed the Barcelona pros and cons and, as all amazing friends do, they reassured me that I had made the right decision.

For more information on Accomplice: The West Village visit While there are shows in two locations in New York City (and in other cities like London), we did the one in the West Village, which I totally recommend!

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