Thursday, July 26, 2012

Friday Footnotes

Here's what I am loving on this stormy evening:

The Storm (Now that I am no longer stuck out in it!): When I was a kid I always loved the moments leading up to a storm. As the wind picked up, the sky darkened, and thunder rumbled softly in the distance, my childhood friend and I would sit on the curb at the house right smack in between our houses and wait until the moment when the largest, scariest thunder clap came indicating that we should yell "bye" and sprint home. Tonight, after I finally made it home and in and out of the storm, it was fun to watch the skyline illuminated by the stunning lightning display!
My latest read: To Barcelona With Love by Elizabeth Adler...a lovely read for a rainy evening...
Mint Tea: A perfect companion to a rainy night read 
My Passive Aggressive Bus Driver This Afternoon--okay, so maybe I didn't actually LOVE her, per se, but she was really entertaining. Highlights included: her yelling into the microphone "Hey, HEY, old guy in the black t-shirt and black sunglasses! Your card has no money on it!" "Hey, kid! Stop pressing the damn bell!" And then the cherry on top? When she had finally had it with her passengers, she turned off the air conditioning and said "uuuhuhhh" into the mic. The ensuing mutiny was hilarious. 
Happy Friday to you! 
Enjoy your weekends!