Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Teacher Woman

March is a tough month for teachers.  While anyone not in the education field might think with envy...ahhhh those long summers and frequent vacation breaks...for teachers, March is a test of Herculean proportions. And on those days when I have to write up a student for throwing a book at a classmate, or explain to another student that no, "money order" does not mean that you put the bills in order and mail them off to the bailiff...I turn to Teacher Man by Frank McCourt.  While the book was written about his experiences as a teacher in the NYC school system over 30 years ago, the fact that McCourt was filling out "delaney cards" just as I do each day shows how much how little has changed.  The book really does capture all of the reasons why, despite the difficult and trying month of March, teachers continue to teach.
However, for those moments when even a book cannot inspire us--here are some educationally themed "field trips" that are a must for every educator's March itinerary...
Read a little Dylan Thomas at the White Horse Tavern
Or head to one of my all time favorite New York City neighborhoods to Pete's Tavern where you can read a little "Gift of the Magi" and ponder O. Henry's mustache...
Or perhaps you don't want to visit the old haunts of dead writers, but rather, you want to stalk contemporary writers in order to ask advice on how you can turn the torment of the marches of your career into a novel.  For you, I would recommend reading this Village Voice article.
Happy Reading! 

1 comment:

  1. Well done. With hopes that you will remain noble to yourself and your profession by writing more from the depths of our American Sherwood Forest.
