Thursday, March 17, 2011

Five Books to Read When You are Battling the Last of the Winter Colds...

I have been a little under the weather this week...sorry for the sparse posting! 
That said, while I was feeling sick, slurping chicken noodle soup and lounging on my couch, I spent a lot of time reading books that wouldn't make my brain hurt as much as my head.  So... here are my reading recommendations for "when you are sick" in review:
1. Something Borrowed by Emily Griffin (Please remember that while sick, intellectual books should be cast aside...I mean your throat is already hurting...if there is any time to be is the time!) This book is kind of like a soap opera in printed form. Warning: I suggest refraining from any type of feminist analysis whatsoever or you will become more nauseated. 
2. Equally, mindless but fun: Good in Bed by Jennifer Weiner. Like cotton candy for the stuffy-nosed soul.
3. While the subject matter (domestic violence) is actually quite serious, the predictability of the plot and love story that propels the story makes Safe Haven by Nicholas Sparks another excellent choice when feeling under the weather...
4. Like the much needed food type when battling everything from the common cold to the full-blown flu, Kate Jacob's Comfort Food is a read with a far lower calorie count than the food category of the same name...
5. Last, but not least, Steig Larsson's The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo's actually pretty good.
While all of these books are sure to provide hours of entertainment, I suggest taking your vitamins, getting eight hours of sleep per night, exercising regularly and staying healthy so that you can read these books anywhere but your couch! 
Healthy Reading...  

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