Thursday, May 31, 2012

Take It Easy

Some days you just owe it to yourself to take it easy. Whether you are sick, stressed out, or just experiencing general malaise, there are moments in life when you need to listen to your body and know that it is time to honor yourself and take it easy.

If you are anything like me, this is easier said than done... 

So, that said, here is my recipe for taking it easy...

Some light reading--but of course! My (Just Downloaded) Choice: 
Meg Donahue's novel How to Eat a Cupcake 
Tea--and lots of it! Nothing beats a warm, comforting cup of tea. My favorite is Harney and Sons, followed closely by Stash, out of Oregon. 
Connecticut Tea: Harney and Sons Earl Grey
Be dog-like: Our dog knows how to appreciate the moment; the sun, his dinner, a stroll, his ball. He is always in the moment. On afternoons, when the warm sun streams through our living room window, there is a twenty minute period each day when it hits the uppermost part of the back of the couch. Frenchie always makes it is purpose to lay here for the entire twenty minutes. Nothing can move him from that spot. He basks in the sun until the very last moment when the very last sunbeam moves out of reach. Now, that's the way to be...
Frenchie, enjoying his local park
Sleep: Repeat after me: It's not overrated. 
Let sleeping dogs lie...
Here's to taking it easy...

1 comment:

  1. Cute post! You know I agree with the Harney tea! Must download that book. Have a good weekend!!
