Thursday, May 17, 2012

Laughing in the Face of Death

When one of my coworkers told me that his friend had written a best selling young adult book, I thought, that's cool. Little did I know that the book was The Fault in Our Stars and the author was John Green. I am definitely going to need to encourage my coworker to have a dinner party with him. Oh, and then invite me.
On Thursdays in my classroom, the students engage in independent reading. In order to practice what I preach and what not, I often read with them, and I always try to read a young adult book that I can then recommend. Last night, I downloaded this book on a whim, thinking that it might be a great book to connect to Romeo and Juliet. This book unexpectedly had me both laughing and crying within the same intake of breath. It was a quick read. It was well-written. It was hilarious. It was heart breaking. What more can you ask for?

Read it.


  1. On a whim or because a wonderful librarian told you to read it? :) glad that you enjoyed as much as I did.

  2. :)))))) naturally one hundred percent awesome librarian!!!
