Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Fall Fare

Tonight, after some heavy, academic reading for my class, I came home and well...I just wanted to curl up under my "Yay! It's Fall" blanket and read something light that I could easily enter and easily exit. Martha Stewart Living provided just that niche. Problem is, I was just coming off a class focusing on gender analysis. Though I tried to enjoy the amazing pumpkin carving ideas, the oh-so-adorable ice cream sundaes in carved out apples, and the lovely fall entertaining concepts, all I could think about was how much the magazine was problematizing gender. I found the article "State of Play" especially gender binary. From the notion of colors connected to gender, to ideas about childhood activities connected to gender, the premise of this article that, on the surface, was about decorating children's rooms was really selling a much larger message about gendered behavior. As I enter my prime childbearing years, I can't help but wonder how I will raise my own child. How do you raise a child in an "ungendered" way amidst a world with so many direct and uncompromising messages about gender? 
Image via Pinterest 

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