Monday, January 23, 2012

Monday, Monday

Hope that everyone had a lovely weekend! I had a wonderful time catching up with friends both Friday and Saturday, and then a nice relaxing day of watching football with M. on Sunday. Actually, let me revise that...there was absolutely nothing relaxing about watching football with M. I think I am secretly kind of glad that the 49ers didn't make it to the super bowl. I don't think that I (or our dog, for that matter) could take anymore yelling at the television.
It snowed here on Saturday and was beautiful for about five minutes; the beauty of a white blanket of snow doesn't last long in New York City. When I walked to yoga, there was hardly a person in sight during my three block walk. Love those moments of solitude in this frenetic city. In fact, I think that my walk to yoga was far more relaxing than my actual yoga class. Don't you just hate it when you get to yoga late and end up in the front of the room? Yoga classes are one of those uniquely NYC experiences where if you show up late, it's never a happy thing. The other place never to show up late here is the movie theater. I have now become one of those people who brings a book and goes to the movie at least a half hour early. I was scarred after arriving fifteen minutes before start time when I first moved here and getting stuck in the front row with my neck extended unnaturally for three hours. Yoga classes are always packed and you never want to be in the front when it is a fifty person class. Lesson learned.
All images via Pinterest...
Grades due tomorrow. Paper due Wednesday. I have got to run...
These days...Coffee=necessity.

1 comment:

  1. OMG! I can't believe you said "that" publicly about the 49ers.....NEVER, NEVER, EVER let anyone know you were thinking least anyone in this family (although I might have thought the same thoughts for the past 36 years....)
