Monday, November 12, 2012

Vintage Library

I know, I know, it has been a while since I've posted! It has been a busy, busy week; however, it has also been a wonderful week filled with delicious dates, baby showers with favorite people, drinks with friends, a growing obsession with yoga (thanks to a new local yoga studio), a successful presentation for graduate school, trying my hand at event planning, yummy shakes at shake shack, city walks, another trip idea in the planning stages, first snowfalls, and cozy nights in with chai tea. Feel sufficiently caught up? Good :)

Anyone who has read my blog knows of my love for old library card catalogues. Part childhood library nostalgia, part furniture aesthetic obsession, the library card catalogue is definitely something I covet. This is why I was so excited when M's mom called last week to let me know that she had stumbled upon a library that was parting with their vintage oak library card catalogue. I can't wait to see what purpose this piece of library history will serve for my home over the years.

Perhaps what once stored the locations of astronomy books will be reinvented as a wine storage system:
Or, as my friend suggested, a clothing storage system with built in drawer organizers by design.
Maybe, one day, when we live in a larger space, it will serve as a console ready to store serving ware and adorable napkins like these...
Whatever it will hold, I am excited to look for ways to fill it!!

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